Terms & Conditions of Booking

Glentworth Village Hall, Stoney Lane, Glentworth, DN21 5DF

Terms and Conditions

To make or query a booking contact Carolyn Latham on 07966 153878 or at c_latham@btinternet.com 

West Lindsey District Council Licence Regulations

Any person or organisation hiring Glentworth Village Hall must comply with the Licensing Act 2003 as specified in the WLDC Premises Licence 32UHB50134. Particular attention is drawn to the following extracts 

7 The licensee and/or person in charge shall maintain and keep good order and decent behavior and shall not permit drunkenness or other disorderly conduct on the licensed premises

8 The licensee and/or person in charge shall not allow any lewd, obscene or indecent performances to take place on the licensed premises or allow any indecent poster, advertisement, film, photograph or programme to be displayed or shown therein

9 The licensee and/or person in charge shall

(a) Take all reasonable precautions for the health and safety of the public, performers and employees on the premises;

(b) Ensure that the licensed premises and any fittings, stairways, notices, lavatories and seating are maintained in good order and condition.

11 The licensee and/or person in charge shall ensure that any noise emanating from or caused by the use of the premises is such as not to cause annoyance to residents in the locality

13 Real or artificial smoke shall not be produced on the premises

14 Laser effect lighting shall not be used except with the prior written consent or the WLDC

17 Use of the premises is prohibited for roller discos without specific approval of the WLDC

If it is planned to sell alcohol, additional regulations and costs apply. Please contact the Booking Secretary for information.

Any hire involving the attendance of children and/or potentially vulnerable adults may be required to comply with Glentworth Village Hall’s Safeguarding Policy.

Additionally, hirers are required to observe the following conditions

Only the areas hired and paid for may be used

All bookings include use of the entrance hall, toilets and parking. Please note parking is not allowed on the grassed areas.

Bookings do not include exclusive use of the outdoor area.

Hirers have 30mins free of charge at the end of their booking to allow for clearing away. Any extension to this will be charged.

All facilities to be left clean, tidy and in good order at the end of the hire period.

Tables and chairs for the main hall are held in the Chair store, accessed from the Main Hall.. It is a regulatory requirement that the doors to the Chair Store be kept closed other than when moving furniture in and out.

Any accident and/or damage must be reported to the Booking Secretary at the end of the hire period. (The First Aid Kit and Accident Book are held in the kitchen).

The hirer is responsible for the cost of any repairs/replacements arising out of his/her hire. Method of repair/replacement must be agreed with the Booking Secretary.

Payment is required 7 days before the date of hire.

A deposit of £50 may be required at the discretion of the Booking Secretary. This will be returned provided all hire requirements are satisfied.

Hirer’s Liability Insurance

Cover for political or business use (including professional entertainers) is specifically excluded from Glentworth Village Hall’s insurance policy. In these instances hirers must obtain their own cover.

Please note that any booking exceeding 2 hours will be charged at the half day rate.

Payment to be made by BACS to Glentworth Village Hall, Sort Code 40-40-24, A/c No 21524240, HSBC. 

Cash payments may only be made in extremis and by agreement with the Treasurer and Booking Secretary.

Hire Fees 2023



Glentworth Village Hall : Safeguarding Policy


1 Definitions

GVH                          Glentworth Village Hall

The Committee              GVH Management Committee

Users                                 Individuals or organisations hiring GVH for an event or activity. This to include the GVH Management Committee where their role is that of User.

Vulnerable Persons (VP)   Children; young people; adults who are temporarily or permanently unable to protect themselves from exploitation and/or risk of harm.

VP Representative             GVH Booking Secretary or, if that is not possible or appropriate, the GVH Chair


2 Policy

It is the policy of the Committee that all users of GVH, its facilities and associated activities shall not be subject to abuse or exploitation whilst doing so.

All children and vulnerable adults using GVH have the right to protection from abuse and exploitation, irrespective of the form it may take, and the Committee and Users of GVH shall have a duty to safeguard Vulnerable Persons.

3 Statement of Intent

GVH is a community resource which exists for the benefit and safe enjoyment of all.

The Committee accepts that the welfare of the child or vulnerable adult is paramount and the responsibility of all. With that in mind the Committee has developed this policy to protect all vulnerable persons, without exception and will not tolerate any deviation from it.

4 Scope

This policy relates to

·  management of GVH,

·  activities by Users of GVH held within the building and

·  activities external to the building arising out of a facility booking whether or not associated with activities within the building.


5 Implementation

5.1 Management Responsibilities

·  The Committee will make compliance with this policy a condition of service for all Trustees, Committee members and volunteers.

·  No Trustee, member of the Committee, or other volunteer shall have unsupervised access to children or vulnerable adults

·  The Committee shall nominate a Vulnerable Persons’ representative to whom all concerns and complaints concerning Vulnerable Persons should be addressed.  

·  The Committee shall foster an environment within which safeguarding concerns may be raised, will take seriously all suspicions or allegations of abuse and will act speedily and appropriately in response.

·  The Committee shall bring the GVH Safeguarding Policy to the attention of all Users

·  The Committee shall ensure that before a first booking, Users hiring GVH for activities involving children produce their Child Protection Policy – this requirement shall be waived where the booking is for a private party.

·  The Committee shall ensure that before a first booking, Users hiring GVH for activities involving vulnerable adults produce their Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy

·  The Committee shall require that any organisation or individual hiring the Hall or meeting room for the purposes of holding activities where OfSted registration is required should show their registration and their own Child Protection Policy.

·  The Committee shall ensure that Users are made aware of their obligation under the Licencing Act 2003 not to sell alcohol to anyone under the age of 18; that no child may be admitted to a film whilst below the age classification for that film and that they are prohibited from gambling or providing entertainment of an adult or sexual nature.

·  If the premises might be used by more than one hirer, the attention of hirers will be drawn to the need to ensure that children and vulnerable adults are supervised appropriately.

·  The Committee shall endeavour to keep the premises safe for use by Vulnerable Persons recognising that a higher standard of safety is required.

·  The Committee shall respond to all damage, breakage and safety issues raised by users as soon as is practicable with particular regard to their impact upon Vulnerable Users.


 5.2 Users Responsibilities

·  Users shall familiarise themselves with the GVH Safeguarding Policy and seek guidance if they require any clarification.

·  All bookings are conditional on Users complying with the requirements of the Safeguarding Policy.

·  Users will report all damage, breakages and safety concerns to the vulnerable Persons Representative without delay.

·  Users will report all concerns regarding the safety of a child or vulnerable adult to the Vulnerable Persons’ Representative without delay

·  Users will employ appropriate additional vigilance when GVH is occupied by more than one User


6 Reporting Incidents

The Vulnerable Persons Representative shall have the responsibility for reporting concerns that arise, as a matter of urgency, to the appropriate local authority agency. The Representative may choose to have confidential discussions with others before reporting concerns.

It is the responsibility of the Representative to know who at the local authority to contact and what other sources of help and advice may be available.


7 Review

This Policy will be available on the GVH website and shall be reviewed annually.

Equal Opportunities

Glentworth Village Hall : Equality Policy

1 Definitions

GVH Glentworth Village Hall

The Committee GVH Management Committee

Users Individuals or organisations hiring GVH for an event or activity. This to include the GVH Management Committee where their role is that of User.

Equality Officer The Booking Secretary or where that is not possible or appropriate The Chair

2 Policy

It is the policy of the Committee that all hirers, users and volunteers shall have equal access to its management, premises and facilities, and to all activities therein, with particular reference to the Equality Act 2010.

3 Statement of Intent

GVH is a community resource which exists for the benefit and safe enjoyment of all.

The Committee recognises the rich diversity of our community - of age, race, wealth, belief, ability, sex and gender and believes that no individual or group should ever receive less favourable treatment on grounds of difference. The Committee further recognises that not all differences or disabilities are visible.

Through its policies and practices the Committee seeks to combat all forms of unlawful discrimination – in the management of the organisation and in the services it provides to individual users, organisations and the wider community.

4 Scope

This policy relates to

management of GVH,

activities by Users of GVH held within the building and 

activities external to the building arising out of a facility booking whether or not associated with activities within the building.

5 Implementation

5.1 Management Responsibilities

The Committee will create an environment which promotes dignity and respect for everyone and where individual differences and the contributions of everyone are recognised and valued.

The Committee will ensure that no user, potential user, committee member or volunteer is treated less favourably than anyone else.

The Committee will not tolerate any form of intimidation, bullying, or harassment

The Committee will make acceptance of this policy a condition of service for all Trustees and volunteers

The Committee will make compliance with the policy a condition of hiring rooms and will cease to hire the facility to those that breach this policy and cannot satisfy the Committee that there will be no repeat of offending behaviour.

The Committee will encourage anyone with concerns or complaints about unfair treatment to voice their concerns to the Equality Officer or if that is not possible or appropriate to the Chair.

The Committee will investigate all complaints in accordance with its Complaints Procedure and with the principles of this policy.

The Committee will ensure that all is done to make the premises accessible and welcoming to all sections of the community 

The Committee will regularly check the make up of the committee and take steps, wherever it is possible, to ensure a balance of all the different groups within the community

The Committee will hold a copy of this policy on the GVH website.

The Committee will regularly review practices and procedures to ensure that equality of access and treatment is maintained at all times.

5.2 User Responsibilities

Users will familiarise themselves with, and comply with, this policy as a condition of hiring GVH.

Users will evidence this compliance by at all times treating others with dignity and respect 

Users will evidence this compliance by at all times valuing and respecting other  people’s feelings. Language or humour that people find offensive will not be used, eg sexist or racist jokes or terminology that is derogatory to someone with a disability. • 

Users will not subject anyone to harassment, abuse or intimidation. 

Users should report policy breaches, concerns and/or make complaints to the Equality Officer or, if that is not possible or appropriate, The Chair

6 Review

The Committee will review this policy annually.